A New Spring

I am reminded this morning that nature in all her glory and magnificence stops for nothing. She does not stop.

When we experience tragedy or trauma, if it is severe enough it appears in the psyche and our surroundings as if the world stops for a time. As we come back to our senses from the shock, we experience a detachment a sense of being separate from that which is occurring around us. It is as if our world is turning at a slower pace then those about us.

There is a deep loneliness and isolation in this state. A crying out at times as to why others can not see your pain or how could they just go forward dining out , laughing , going to the movies as if the tragedy was of no meaning or significance.

As the next days unfold the traveller is taken to a new path on the road of life that solace is found in touchstones of the grief, the remembrances, the release and the wandering to find a new way in life. If they are fortunate they will return from the transfixed state and be renewed as if blossoming into a new Spring.

We are are now in these very moments also blossoming into a new Spring. All my life I have held tightly to the things of the Earth to hold me in my darkest hours. I have been secured in the turning of the seasons, the rising and falling or the moon and the sun, the knowing of the splendour of her majesty Mother Earth.

The understanding that if I allow myself to lay down in her she will carry me forward, always, every time, without fail to the new Spring of my life.

Lori Ellis-McKinney  (2020)

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